Wednesday, March 30, 2011

BTW... found this on a website

I've been surfing on wedding websites a lot lately and I saw this....... on a Taiwanese wedding site

This is the bride before make up

This is the bride after make up

I WANT TO BE LIKE THAT! It's crazy how much make up and enhance your look......... ugh!

Gotta come back to the blogging world more often!

It's been very slow at work these days......... or I should say for the past few weeks. The last time I was busy was when we had that one week long meeting in Arlington, VA from 6am to 5pm. That was scary...... it lasted a lot longer than I thought but thanks god it's over.

The weather has been cold and crappy lately... I really do miss the warm weather we had for those few days. It's like god is playing with us and reminding us how much we hate being cold.

Having both of my dogs with me has been a handful! My daily schedule is......wake up between 6 and 7am, takes the dogs out to pee and do their business, feed them, back to bed for 10-20 minutes then get ready for work. After work I get home and take the dogs out for a long walk....... then come back and play fetch or laser pointer until they get tired. If they get tire faster, I can maybe play some video games...... if not....... I play with them until 11pm....which is my bed time.

It's like me having children man......... can't wait for my parents to get back from Taiwan on Tuesday.... just 5 more days!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Monday, March 28, 2011

Wedding picture package!

Monday, March 21, 2011


Got sick ..... running nose....

Parents and brother left to Taiwan yesterday.... they should be there in about 40minutes...

I've been cleaning piss behind Noodles all night last night...... ugh....... and my neck also hurts like crazy.....

kinda stress out a bit.... now I know how moms feel.......

Friday, March 18, 2011

Humm...... so many choices!! Which one do u like?

Monday, March 14, 2011


I've been busy planning wedding........... so much to plan......ugh.....glad the date is still far away =P

Things are well for me in general. Little things goes wrong here and there but HEY that is life for ya! Things are def better than late last year.

PAX EAST 2011 @ Boston, MA
We just got back from PAX last night around 9pm..... took us forever to get home due to silly and shitty public transportation at the metro.......

We entered into the Team Fortress II tournament at PAX and beat 2 teams..... 2nd team was the "No Heroes" team. We got beat on the 3rd round pretty badly by a comp team. =(

PAX was a lot more fun than I thought overall. I got to meet many GWJers!! I was super excited to hang out with those who I've been playing video games with online for the last year+. It's always cool to meet gamers in real life. We love each other online doesn't mean we will in real life though! It's always a hit or miss. The ones I've met during this trip was def a HIT! =P

We hung around with Bredon/Switch, Chris/Evil, Ben/Renji and Jeremy/Big =) BFFs! hahaha I've also met a few *famous GWJ podcasters: Chris & Cory! =P It's pretty cool to know that people know me...... the podcasters have heard of me before some how =D (dont think it's in a good way). I've also got a few GWJers calling my screen name out from far away! I guess that is what I get for posting my pictures on the picture thread all the freaking time.

One of the main highlight for me was when we all played at the free PC play on Saturday night!! L4D2 VS! Even though we got killed but it was still the coolest thing ever to me. Playing side by side with those who I've been playing with for a year + online:

Here are some pictures:

The events itself at PAX were just okay for me. I'm not a big gamer... so things doesn't look that interesting to me. The only game that I was interested in is Mortal Kombat! I love the bloody-ness. It's def a buy for me!

and of course the beautiful view of Boston:

- Parents are opening up a new restaurant in Richmond, VA late next month. I miss my dad's food so much!

- Just received our wedding reception contract. Gotta revise it and sent it back by Wednesday

- My apartment lease ends this coming Friday! YAYAY! finally.........

- Family is taking a trip to Taiwan this Sunday for 2.5 weeks..... I gotta watch both of my dogs! Yikes!

- Cake tasting next weekend at Annadale, VA

Friday, March 4, 2011