It's been very slow at work these days......... or I should say for the past few weeks. The last time I was busy was when we had that one week long meeting in Arlington, VA from 6am to 5pm. That was scary...... it lasted a lot longer than I thought but thanks god it's over.
The weather has been cold and crappy lately... I really do miss the warm weather we had for those few days. It's like god is playing with us and reminding us how much we hate being cold.
Having both of my dogs with me has been a handful! My daily schedule is......wake up between 6 and 7am, takes the dogs out to pee and do their business, feed them, back to bed for 10-20 minutes then get ready for work. After work I get home and take the dogs out for a long walk....... then come back and play fetch or laser pointer until they get tired. If they get tire faster, I can maybe play some video games...... if not....... I play with them until 11pm....which is my bed time.
It's like me having children man......... can't wait for my parents to get back from Taiwan on Tuesday.... just 5 more days!