Friday, September 24, 2010

Another week gone........ man.. end of Sept is here... so *will* Fall

The day before yesterday was the "first day of fall" and it is still above 90F here.... goodness.... What is going on?

I panicd in the beginning of the week due to my cell phone and battery charger... but now I got those problem fix. =)

This week's work has been a little more steady than before. We won a few bids~ Which means........... lots of work coming our way! Lets hope I can take a relaxing vaca end of next month at Vancouver!

Mom called me earlier today once again complaining about my bro's stupidity.... speeding ticket, traffic class, fail to pay for a parking ticket on time................. things of that sort. He is the way he is right now.......... part of it is due to my parents letting him do whatever he wants........SPOIL! I find it very annoying when they complain and does nothing to improve the situation.

Baseball game tomorrow afternoon. Nats vs. Braves.

TGIF! =)