Monday, October 4, 2010

Another eventful weekend!! we need more of this! =D

Left work early around 2:30pm on Friday and headed to my parents place. Got home around 4:30pm peacefully w/out any major traffic. =D

Had Jimmy John's slims for dinner then took the pups out for a long walk!

Played my 1st full l4d1 vs. game ever….. yeah.. I don’t be playing that again. Sucked…. Scoring is screwed up too. Crappy!


The pups woke me up around 8 something by crying and jumping on my face….. left home at 11am to Busch Gardens!

And of course… I’m the latest one and also live the closest to the park…… that means no sense. =( AST! Asian Time Standard! (Arrived at 12:10pm)

We had yummy KFC for lunch then head to the park!!


- Loved the rafting ride! I don’t care what anyone says. It’s the last warm day we got before the fall and I am going to get wet! Right right Kelly? We went into this human sized dryer to dry us up.

- Waited in line for 45 minutes for a worthless Euro film……. It was a trap

- I screamed a bit too much on the rides………..(2)

- Ukick won Domos for us!!! He is a super ski ball pro! Dun dun dun!!!!

- Waited in line for an hr+ for these semi-lame horror houses that refuse to except our Domos……. Grr…….. supie was nice enough to hold it for me =D

Conclusion of the day:

GWJers are so fun to hang with. =D &

LINE GAMES SUCKS! People watching in BG sucked too…. Where is the diversity?! =(

Pictures below!
Tim & Kelly (Q & Yellek)
David & ukick
Yellek and I

and Now I present! Domo's life in our house