Friday, November 19, 2010

Here's a happie update.

Going home to my parents today after work. Going to work on some marketing materials for one of my side jobs at Richmond while I'm there so I can get paid! =P

I know I'm going to get yelled at by my dad about my lip stitches.... he loves to piss people off when he gets the chance to.... not looking forward to it. =x

I Googled vet technician's avg salary....... it's actually really low.... but it's not going to stop me from working on my degree though. =) I can always figure something cool out with a vet tech & business.

Exciting things to look forward to!!! :
- hiking this weekend w/the boys & my pups~ pictures coming soon!
- thanksgiving next week.......lots of yummy turkey =D
- stuff...... will reveal later
- booking my trip to Seattle/Vancouver this week! I will be there from 1/25 -> 2/3
- buying Canucks jerseys for myself and David's x'mas present!

I gotta figure out who I'm sending x'mas cards to........

Stuff I want for x'mas..........