Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Cinco De Mayo

Woke up w/a red right eye. I know it's not pink eye since I got no sticky stuff coming out but damn.. it kinda scared me. Mom where are you? hahah

Got a project done today finally! I've been working on it for the past week. =)

Went to Thursday's for lunch w/ppl from work. $2 Coronas & Margaritas night. (Cinco de mayo). I can't even finish a whole drink..... got super red... tsk tsk

Now I'm super sleepy..... gonna go meet up w/supie for dinner. Pina Colada anyone?

GAMING NIGHT! every night is gaming night!

P.S- Lu Lu (co-worker's new pup) is sick... kinda sucks.. my puppies were healthy when I brought them in. =/ I hope she'll get better. Maybe I'll see her at work tomorrow.