Saturday, May 1, 2010

Another great nite fill w/games!

What a crazy stuck in traffic for 3.5 hrs going back home..... turned out Richmond race track is having a Nascar event tomorrow so everyone is gathering up. Grr... wrong time for me to go back home for the weekend eh?

Noodles and Yumi could not stop licking me (for at least 10 minutes straight) once I got home. What a great welcome!!

I had another great night gaming w/some of the silliest boys ever: Ragin_Redneck, Gumbi, Switchbreak, BiginJapan, Switchbreak and more. They are so funny. And I also proved that I can play TF2 more than 3 minutes.

It's going to be a very relaxing weekend. Both parents are going to be at work tomorrow until 11pm... I'll be hanging w/my pups and tanning in our back yard! =D Fun eh?

My fish Stan!!