Thursday, April 29, 2010

What a night............. please make tomorrow better

Caps last game of the season was so hard for me to watch. Very very painful... I can't do anything to help but hope and wish.

Habs won 2-1..... there are a few things that "should of" happened...... which can tie up the game but no. We are the first team who is #1 before playoff and got killed in the 1st round by a #8 team.

I'm still deciding if I should continue to watch hockey after this.......... or maybe I should go search for Backstrom! haha.

after hockey, played a few games... damn the vs was annoying. I hate playing w/serious people.. while the opponents are the funnest ppl ever- prime, burnt toast, red & tamern.........

Lets hope tomorrow be a better day. Never knew losing a playoff hockey game meant so much to me until now......

love me some nerds~

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


2nd day of the week. last week of April.

Oh goodness. It's already Tuesday! Nothing happened really..... other than lots of thunderstorms and rain yesterday.

And of course... the sad game last night.. Caps vs. Habs. We played like as if we don't care for the win. 0-3 until the last few minutes in 3rd period.. 1-3. Sad................ Final and last game tomorrow night. I hope the Caps are ready for it... ready like you mean it!

Played a c0-op L4D2, the Passing w/Moo & Hy. =D then a few survivals w/Prime, Fedora & Laarrs. HEHEHEHE.. one my favs buddies in GWJ. =) Fun night!

Hummm.......... lets see... what pictures I can put on here....

Marshmallow JVC headset for work!

My new lego keychain~ EEEWOK!! Super cute. It's like a mini Chewbacca!


Gotta buy some plane tickets for the TX trip next month. I haven't gone anywhere in more than a yr.... goodness I need this trip so bad even though it's to a place I really don't care for. Something is better than nothing.

Monday, April 26, 2010

What a tiring Sunday it was.

Man.. it's already 1:30am.... and I'm still up!!! Gotta update this fast then sleep!

Russell Peters RULES! hehehehehe He is sooo funny.

Weekend went by pretty fast once again. No clubbing last night.... please don't ask me why... a friend failed once again.... *sigh~*'s too late during the night for me to think.. brain is so dead right now!...

It's been a while since last time I read a REAL book!! Sooo I bought a few for me to read!! hehe

Look at my cute Lamb pillows! The baby lamb is the new baby in Donut's pillow family.

Saturday, April 24, 2010


humm......... rainy Saturday.

Woke up late and saw "Ponyo". Very interesting and a bit weird movie..... lunch at Tachibona then went shopping for my cusin's baby, dinner w/Shenger at a Korean place.

What's next?! Chatting away w/the goodjers in the living room for now......

Maybe clubbing?! at the Park. =)

(Caps lost last night... =( )

Friday, April 23, 2010

Look at my new toys! =D

Happy weekend! haha.

LETS GO CAPS! Bar tonight....... just like last night... and tomorrow night?

Wednesday, April 21, 2010



(Love u Backstrom. <3>

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Monday & Tuesday O.o

I've been pretty busy for the past few days; however, I can see the end soon! Most of the projects are done and waiting to be approved while the other ones are CLOSE to be being done. =)

Hard work always pays off! The end is the new beginning! I'm excited to see what the new projects are.

Nothing much to update to really... Caps won last nights' game! 5-1. Varlie did pretty well but I really hope coach will let Theodore play another game and let him prove everyone wrong (due to 1st game's mistake). =/ Can't wait until Wed's game. It's 2-1 right now. Lets go CAPS!

Played a bit of TF2 & L4D2 last night. It seems like people are liking me a bit more even with my silly comments during games. Gotta love them nerds.

Coming up?
- Bar tomorrow night w/Supie to watch the Caps play
- Russell Peter's stand-up on Sunday night
-Going back to VTech next weekend w/Shenger & Annie. I'm going to see if I can pull off the "18 yrs old look". I haven't gone back since 2008.... I'm sure I will know zero ppl there.

Maybe I should go home this weekend to visit my pups again. O.o I heard it's going to be rainy =(

Gotta find stuff to do........TO DO!! what to do! ....... painting & gaming! or.. pouting?

Miss the good old days.........

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Weekend Update!

Like my new downloaded layout? =)

Another weekend flew by~ but it was fun and relaxing.

Went to see "How to train a dragon" today! Very very good movie! Loved it! You be surprised how some of these cartoons are 10x better than the action movie (i.e. Clash of the Titans).

Bought some pretty tulips today to brighten up my room.

Don't you just love my necklace.

Here's my roomie fish Stan. He sleeps a lot.

Saturday, April 17, 2010


Tummy hurts all day........... =( Thanks god for the pain pills.


OMG............ hat trick & an assist for Backstrom.......... I've always believed in him! man..... I'm sure I'll dream about him tonight.

Just look at him! SO HOT HOTHTOHTHOTOHTOHHO................

Friday, April 16, 2010

What a sunny productive day eh? soo productive that I bought:

hotdog coin purse thingy

I'm excited about the meet up this afternoon at the bar! pictures are comming!
Happy weekend everyone.

Thursday, April 15, 2010


Got a bit grumpy yesterday afterwork... so I ended up going to the mall and bought a few things. (Victorias' Secrete & Forever21)

I'm going to find a day during the weekend to make yummy lunch box for the guys:

=D Can't wait!

Anyways, work is pretty smooth today. =) Had Chick-fil-A for lunch today. Yummmmy~ and read my old xanga blog........

It's crazy how much I've changed since 2003! My sentence structure from back then is ridicules! I don't see how ppl can read it nor I can type like that....

Hummmm....should I dye my hair to: (I'll look like every other Asian girls...nm)

Bar afterwork today......... 1st game for the Washington Capitals! LETS GO CAPS!!!! Montreal is going downnnnnn.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Silly puppy!,233842
(copy and paste the top link or click on the HERE)

SO FUNNY!! Dog ran onto a baseball field and pooped.

Tuesday Tuesday!


You know. I use to think Tuesday is the worse day of the week..... since it's not even close to the weekend nor is it the middle of the week. But hey! since I love my job & co-workers so much, I actually prefer to work sometime then going home. =D

Here are some random pictures!

My bubble head collection!

The lightening is a bit weird... HERE's my new sheets/cover!

I miss my old college studio =(

Monday, April 12, 2010


All of sudden, I felt like drawing again........... just sketches... still gotta paint or use charcoals to fill the details and shading. (more to come)

Use to draw everyday back in high school... skills def went down hill.......... so rusty!

P.S- gaming today was horrible..... but hey! if I don't like you. you will know. =D

nite nite peeps. =)

Happy Monday!

Sunny and happy Monday! (A bit cold in the office)

Had lunch at the new Subway nearby. Yummy black forest ham sandwich & chocolate chip cookies.

Here are my desk friends:

Oh! Saw this interesting item. I hope ppl doesn't use
this fore real... creepy man... CREEPY WOMEN!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

End of a great productive weekend.

Got back home a bit before noon and dropped by Ikea and got some dog toys & new bed sheet/pillow case =)

Went to Joe's Crab Shack w/Shenger, bf, Mike, David, Jeremy & Preston. I ordered a huge steam pot for myself! =) Yummmy! Clams, crab legs, sausages, corn............Super full!! Big big lunch! =D

Look at my yummy "afternoon delight"! Peach black tea & Red velvet cupcake. =)

Then we went to see the Clash of the turned out to be a funny movie........ =x

This weekend was pretty productive & tiring. Waiting for the new week to come! Adventures!

Meeting up w/some of the GWJ peeps at the bar on Friday. It'll be fun and interesting!

What a productive Saturday it was =D

I thought it would be cold day but NOPE! Super sunny w/a bit of wind =D Perfect for oil change, tire change, shopping & laying out in the sun.

Woke up a bit late due to sleeping w/Noodles on the top bunk.

In the afternoon, went to say "hi" to my future bike, Kawasaki 250, at the bike shop! Shopped around and bought a few things w/the family:

(On each of the white mouse's legs, there are USB outlets for me to plug more USB in!! =D and there is my new lil tiny green USB drive for work!)

USB over load!!

While shopping at BestBuy.. a few cashiers (lil highschool girls) notice how cool my phone & phone hanger are (they raped my phone....).....stress reliever Peas! hehehehe

Took some pictures of Mr.Creamy Chocolate & Ms.Sprinkles. My donut pillows (stays in my car).

I'm going to go to bed soon. Have to wake up a bit early to drive back to Northern VA. I'm sure I'll miss the pups! =D Have a nice rest of the weekend everyone!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

What a tiring Friday it was........let the weekend begins!

Man... I figure I would be able to get off a work a bit early yesterday ...... that way I can go buy some orchids for my mom and dog toys from Ikea... nope nope nope...that didn't happen. next time eh? Instead I bought her some kimchi. =D

Got home around midnight last night! Home sweet home~ More pictures to come!!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

chum chum chum chum....... I think my hair is getting a bit better! My natural Asian straight hair is fighting back hard! FIGHT FOR UR STRIGHT-NESS!!

Happy Thursday everyone! Weekend will be here before we know it! and be over before we know it........ Going home tomorrow to see my babie pups. SO EXCITED.


<+Trainwreck> I have to say Donut has the cutest sad puppy dog face
<+Trainwreck> If I had a girlfriend who could pull that face off I'd be broke


I think my crappy mood just went away =D

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

ahhhhhhhhhh.............. waste of my time and money.. yes... I learned my lesson.. Lemme go cry now.

Wish me luck....

Just burned a bunch of disks and packaged them... ready to send them off to the clients in a few. I hope everything will go well and I didn't send the wrong disks to the wrong ppl. eeeek man.... eeeek..... I hardly have faith in myself when it comes to these type of stuff. I did double check before sealing them though.

I'm hoping & praying to hear good feedbacks from the clients tomorrow.... =) Gotta be positive eh? If this goes down hill, I'll prob get fired. *knock on wood*


For the last few days, I've notice the increasing amount of crap drivers on the road.... half of them aren't even paying attention to their surrounding. They would be driving 5 below or the speed limit!! ahhhh.............

Didn't get to play much of L4D2 last night due to my super tiredness!! I think it's mainly because of the hot weather... and no AC in the house. I can hardly sleep last night. =(

Hot = grumpy donut

SoOooOo the Caps won last night against the Pens! =D I can't wait until the playoffs!! I'm so excited!! At least there will be something for me to look forward to eh?!

Plans for the rest of the week:
Thurs: work & game
Fri: work & going home home!
Sat: home home w/the parents and pups; gaming at night
Sun: back to the nova

How exciting eh?

Oh Oh! My list of Goodjers to bother has gotten just a bit longer thanks to my bravest(annoyingness) & IRC. heheheh

My silly drawing of Noodles. =D

To perm I go. Good luck must wish. =)

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Man.. It's been so busy at work lately..I hardly have time to go on IRC to chat w/ppl. Then again, I can't complain....this is how work suppose to be. I am getting paid to do work! Silly me!

Tomorrow is the DAY to turn in most of our projects =D woo hoo!!! and I just made an appointment to get my perm (big curls) tomorrow at 4:30pm. which means I'm leaving work a bit early. I hope my hair will turned out ok.... it'll cost me more than 100$ for sure.

Anyways, here are some random thoughts:

Look at the skincare and makeup I use everyday!! It's hard to believe how many bottles I got there.......

Monday, April 5, 2010

My 1st post ever! WooOo HoOoo!

It's been a while since my last post on my xanga blog....decide to make a new one! I figure this will keep me busy during work and home.

Happy Monday eh? My weekend went pretty well.

A weekend filled w/sunny weather, shopping and lots of gaming.
Look at my hours! 200 hrs for L4D2! wow... Avg 58 hrs in the past 2 weeks?! What is wrong w/me?! Do I even have a life? I have to say... I just can't get away from the silly Goodjers.

Last night's games were fun. I get to be with a few of my favorite teammates!! Won a game, lost another. 50/50. not bad! I've made a few close buddies on GWj. =)

Last Thursday I was brave enough to show up at some random salon in Fairfax and got my hair's been 2 years since my last haircut in Taiwan....Thanks god everything turned out well!
Bought a few things from Juicy Couture & Shiseido skincare. I've been buying lots of skincare product lately....I think late night gaming really kills my skin but gaming is so addictive!!!

P.S- Caps clinch their 1st Presidents Trophy(best record). Franchise records broken this season- wins(51), pts(114), road ins and pts (23,53)