Caps last game of the season was so hard for me to watch. Very very painful... I can't do anything to help but hope and wish.
Habs won 2-1..... there are a few things that "should of" happened...... which can tie up the game but no. We are the first team who is #1 before playoff and got killed in the 1st round by a #8 team.
I'm still deciding if I should continue to watch hockey after this.......... or maybe I should go search for Backstrom! haha.
after hockey, played a few games... damn the vs was annoying. I hate playing w/serious people.. while the opponents are the funnest ppl ever- prime, burnt toast, red & tamern.........
Lets hope tomorrow be a better day. Never knew losing a playoff hockey game meant so much to me until now......
love me some nerds~